Know Thyself

Through the Tarot Card Images

The messages and the wisdom within the Tarot Card images will help you discover your true self, hidden potential, and inner knowledge! Get to "Know Thyself" by looking deep into these card images to discover and re-discover your truth!

Tarot Cards: Divination and More...

The Tarot Cards are well known for the role they play in Divination -- they are a wonderful tool for predicting what is likely to occur in a given situation. However, when you start looking beyond the predictions, you will discover the true power of the Tarot Cards!

When you look at your life through the lens of the Tarot Cards, you get to "Know Thyself" in a way that you had never seen yourself before!

As you start to look at the bigger picture of your life, you will start seeing how your life has had several patterns, several repeating cycles. As the Tarot cards help you unfold the stories playing out in your life, you will see how those patterns have played their role in your life's story.

Know Thyself - Tarot Beyond the Predictions

The cards are mirror of your inner world. Their art, their symbolism, the deep stories hidden within these images -- all of them contain insights and information that can bring you closer to your own self!

We live our lives putting on masks and personas so that we can survive in the world. We suppress our darker sides. We suffer pain and hurt and traumas -- and keep them buried and out of sight. We find ourselves caught in the grip of negative behavior patterns. Our lives don't fulfill us anymore.

It is at times like these that we find ourselves reaching for our cards! These 78 pictures contain within them the means to show us the way back to our authentic self. They can reconnect us with our true sense of self and align us with our purpose, our path. All we need to do is ask them for guidance!

When we look at our life through the images and stories of the Tarot Cards, we see something more than the predictions. We see our life story playing out through the card images. And when we stop and really look, we start to notice other things going on in the card images. The influences of events, people, behavior patterns, and so much more comes to light! ☀️

The events of our life now form a part of a bigger tapestry of events! Seen in such a context, we can examine our life more objectively. This helps us gain a never before seen level of clarity about our life. This is how we truly "Know Thyself" with our Tarot Cards! This is the true gift of the Tarot Cards!

In this workshop, I’ve talked about some simple and effective methods to use the Tarot Cards to do just that!

Know Thyself

'Know Thyself' -- this phrase was carved on the door of the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. This is where the Pythian Oracles would give their predictions. This aphorism urged people to use these predictions and their messages to understand themselves better. While a prediction serves a practical purpose, over time, it can become a deep source of insight into your own behavioral patterns and life cycles. This message was telling people to use the wisdom and insight offered by the Oracles to look beyond the predictions, and to look at themselves so they could empower themselves!

This phrase summarizes the way I look at the Tarot Cards! Through this Course, you too will also discover the same powerful source of insight and knowledge! May you find the way to clarity, joy, and happiness!

Here's What You Are Getting!

  • 2 Lessons: Theory & Examples of Spreads
  • Approx. 3 hours of Video Content
  • A Certificate of Completion

What's more! This class is was available for FREE!

For some unfathomable reason, this course was attracting a lot of spam sign-ups. Therefore, I’ve set the course fee as $ 1 to ensure that you are an actual person.

Go ahead! What are you waiting for?


Module 1Know Thyself
Lesson 1Handouts & Links 
Lesson 2Know Thyself - Tarot Beyond Predictions [01:21:03] 
Lesson 3Know Thyself - Spread Examples [01:34:04] 
Module 2Feedback
Lesson 1Please Give Me Your Feedback